Stress and mindfulness meditation

• 75 percent of Americans are stressed.
• 75 percent of preventable illnesses are caused by stress.
Stress is all around us.
Unfortunately, stress begins to take hold of many in grammar school and continues through our careers and into our retirements.
Why meditation?
At Pathway to Mindfulness, we teach techniques that help our clients manage their stress, not only when they are meditating, but 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It becomes second nature to them, and as their daily meditation practice continues and strengthens, their lives begin to transform, little by little.
For example, did you notice the picture on this page? If not, take a look now. Does it calm you? Does it transform you to another place? Has your breathing slowed? This is what mindfulness can do.
Insight mindfulness meditation teaches us to be present in the moment instead of thinking about stressful past situations or worrying about what is going to happen in the future.
When past or future thoughts appear, you learn to notice them and focus on what you are feeling in the present moment. You are not blocking or denying the existence of your thoughts, nor are you getting lost in them.
What meditation accomplishes
When you are in the present moment, you worry less and accept things as they are without judgment or criticism. You begin to notice and appreciate the simple things in life that often go unnoticed.
Most importantly, you become less stressed and begin to enjoy life more.